The NRA Range Development & Operations Conference is designed to educate potential and current range owners and operators in identifying potential problems associated with range development, environmental issues, and safety. Attendees will receive a multidisciplinary perspective on major topics such as:
Business Planning
EPA Lead Standards
Sound Abatement
ADA Compliance
NRA Programs
Training Opportunities
Registration for the conference is $450, which includes all conference materials as well as a copy of the NRA Range Source Book on USB.
Presentations are given by America's top experts on range development. The ultimate goal of the Range Development & Operations Conference is to give attendees a forum to share their knowledge, and ensure the public has a safe and convenient place to shoot in order to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
A key element for advancement in any profession is continuing education. Today's shooting range operator needs the savvy of a businessman, the wisdom of a firearms enthusiast, and the knowledge of a health and safety professional. The most successful professionals constantly strive to improve their knowledge and expertise by pursuing opportunities to learn from associates and experts. For more information, contact NRA Range Services ([email protected] or 877-NRA-RANGE).
The hotel block for this event is just down the road from our headquarters office, at the Springhill Suites (11191 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030). Call 703-691-7880 and reference "NRA August" for a rate of $139 per night.
Can't make the NRA Range Conferences? Sign up today for our new Range Development & Operations online course! Click here for more information.
From on-site assistance and educational seminars, to grants, NRA affiliation, and so much more—the NRA offers a variety of resources to public and private ranges across the country.