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NRA Range Grant Program

Applicants for this program must be 100% NRA membership NRA-Affiliated Clubs with funds made available at NRA’s sole discretion by approval of the Range Development Committee – a standing committee of the NRA Board of Directors.

Grants can be awarded to assist with acquisition, development, and improvement of shooting facilities. This Range Grant program is limited to $5,000 per applicant per year.

Applications are accepted from June 1 to August 1 each year.

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The following guidelines govern the award of all grants made under the auspices of the NRA Range Grant Program. Please read this entire document prior to completing a grant application. The NRA Range Grant Program was established in September 2000 by a resolution of the NRA Board of Directors. This resolution also dissolved a separate account established by the Board of Directors known as the Range Loan Fund. A portion of the endowment's earnings are used to award grants for purposes consistent with the endowment's objectives. The amount distributed annually is limited to the lesser of the endowment's prior year's net earnings or 5% of the endowment's fair value as of December 31 of the previous year. Any NRA-affiliated club or association of which 100% of the club's members are also NRA members is eligible to apply for a NRA Range Grant. Range Grant funds are made available at the NRA's sole discretion to qualifying NRA-affiliated clubs and associations by approval of the Range Development Committee - a standing committee of the NRA Board of Directors.


In reviewing grant applications, the Range Grant Subcommittee will apply the following criteria and recommend to the Range Development Committee only those projects that conform to these guidelines:

  • Any NRA-affiliated club or association if which 100% of the club's members are also NRA members is eligible to apply for a NRA Range Grant. Preference will be given to safety-related projects and/or recipients of the Gold Medal Club Award.
  • When submitting this application, your club will be required to provide proof of 100% NRA membership either thru upload of a club membership spreadsheet or excerpt from club bylaws stating NRA membership requirement.
  • Projects and activities eligible for funding include: acquisition, development and/or improvement of shooting facilities; projects designed to enhance community relations, NRA Range Day, public shooting, and junior programs; and projects addressing range safety, as well as environmental issues, e.g. lead reclamation.


  1. Applications for grant funding will not exceed $5,000 for any qualifying NRA affiliate per year.
  2. Grants will be limited to one per year per facility in those cases where more than one qualifying affiliate utilizes the same range.
  3. Range grants will not be approved for multi-year funding of projects.
  4. A final report must be submitted for any and all funded projects. Failure to submit a final report will result in delay and/or disqualification for future consideration.
  5. All projects must be for the sole purpose of range development/range improvement. Applications for short-term supplies such as targets, firearms, PA systems, manuals, etc. will not be accepted. (Short-term being defined as projects with a life of less than 10 years.)
  6. Applications must be submitted for consideration each year. Prior year funds awarded shall not be construed as a guarantee of funding in subsequent years.
  7. All funding and/or grants awarded under or pursuant to this program are entirely at the NRA's sole discretion. No party, including applicants under the program, has a right to receive funding. No application, participation in the program, and/or submission of any application or other forms related to this program, shall be construed as creating a contractual relationship between the NRA and the applicant. An applicant applies at his/her own expense.

The following activities or projects are also not eligible for funding:

  1. Deficit financing (i.e. payment for something already purchased, work already started or completed, or reimbursement for an event that has already taken place prior to grant approval).
  2. Projects related to commercial ventures.
  3. Applications from clubs or associations that have not submitted final reports for previously awarded grants.

Range Grants will be awarded concurrent with the fall NRA Board of Directors meeting. Grants are awarded to qualifying NRA affiliates to assist with acquisition, development, and improvement of shooting facilities. Grants are also awarded to assist qualifying NRA affiliates with projects designed to improve community relations and to address environmental issues related to range operations.

Please click here to complete your Final Report if you received a range grant in previous years.

Access a Pending or Incomplete Grant Application

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Contact our office at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264) or via email at [email protected] for more information.


Range Services

From on-site assistance and educational seminars, to grants, NRA affiliation, and so much more—the NRA offers a variety of resources to public and private ranges across the country.